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World Aids Day

condoms aids day 21

World Aids day is here and we are here to make a stand.

We no sooner catch our breath with one seemingly unreachable target, and another one is in front of us.

The theme for World Aids Day for 2021 is END INEQUALITIES. END AIDS. END PANDEMICS.

Ironic, is it not? It was 40 years ago that we first noticed the HIV/AIDS epidemic. And now we sit amid one of the worst world pandemics we will know in our lifetime.  And it is not AIDS.

Secret Corner makes an enormous stand against inequalities.

We purge out prejudices and embrace the vivid world of change in our Rainbow Nation.

We are a resilient bunch of people. I think in some way, the rest of the world envies us for our resilience and tenacity to overcome hurdles and rise to any occasion.

We have contained and educated our Nation on HIV / AIDS, with no stone unturned and a great sigh of relief was made when in 2019,  71% of Adults were on ARV’s and knowing your status was no longer a stigma.

It has become our reality and we have chosen to live with this cohesively. 

Know Your Status. Own Your Status

Knowing your HIV status is knowing your own immune system and is a giant leap forward into moving forward. 

I believe as South Africans, the stigma has been removed and we embrace this new change with open arms.

As much as the stigma has  been removed, issues still  hamper further development needed to bring this epidemic to an end and create a more  sustainable way to raise goals and awareness of HIV/AIDS.

Our Numbers in 2021?

A staggering 7.7 million people are living with HIV in South Africa. HIV prevalence among the general population is 20.4%

What Can You Do?

  • Reduce the stigmatisation and discrimination related to HIV
  • Lower the barriers to access HIV related health facilities
  • Raise awareness for prevention and treatment programs
  • Wear a red ribbon in solidarity

At Secret Corner we make a concerted effort to ensure that sexual health, safety and responsibility is adhered to and encouraged at all times.

Condoms are the prize so know your size. We stock a range of condoms to suit your size, taste. We also stock speciality condoms like the Hex by Lelo that are engineered to ensure there is no breaking during playtime, the hexagonal anti-slip grip keeps you safe in the knowledge that its going nowhere, but on your penis. 

Choosing Your Condom.

Choosing a condom is not as easy as 1, 2 and 3. There are dynamics to condom choosing that need to come into play. Malesation make a selection of Perfect Size Condoms, Lion, Panther, Cheetah and Lynx, choose your size and ensure that you are not going to slip slide by the wayside and stay safe and secure.

The Female Condom.

The tubular sheath with a ring at both ends, inserted vaginally or anally to prevent STD’s and pregnancy. It prevents the passage of fluids from person to person. A rather ungainly item that has not proved to be popular, regardless, albeit they have been around and once peaked in the late 1990’s.

The female condom has lost its flavour and although available at most municipal clinics, they are not as readily available or sought after, regardless of their tenure in the sex workers industry.

the other pandemic


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