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Hot Sex after 50!

flower power
Hot sex after 50? Hell yes. Ask me, I’m a pleasure specialist and well over the age of 50. 

I find I am speaking to healthy selection of older women and gents who feel…” well now what”? 

Actually!  How is it different whether you are in your 20’s or 50’s? 

Is  sex different during the aftermath of some life changing event? Or do we slip effortlessly into it and faking orgasm no longer applies? We no longer fake orgasms if it happens it happens. Rather, we indulge in the moment of self pleasure or pleasure with a partner. It no longer becomes a race to the finish line.

Hot Sex Matters

The necessity to release energy is vital to a healthy and functional body. It connects us, gives a sense of wellbeing.

An orgasm releases a host of vital chemicals like oxytocin and healthy endorphins and triggers the euphoric state we find ourselves in after an orgasm. 

Yet, for some it exposes vulnerabilities. Perhaps look at those vulnerabilities, and entertain them, don’t let them weigh you down. 

Sex after the age of 50, especially for women, think it is over! Hardly!

Let’s get that ridiculous myth and kick it our of the door.

Those Juicy Bits!

If I could get one cent for every time I am asked. “Is it my age that I no longer lubricate”? No! No and No again. 

The vagina is the holy grail and commands to be honoured. She births children and has been known to blast orgasmic nights of unrelenting passion. Does she need a hand from time to time? Yes! But it has nothing to do with age. 

Let lube be your greatest lover between the sheets. Explore with lubes, explore with clitoral stimulating serums. Explore with Kegel balls. Explore with breath. Explore alone, with your partner, your favourite sex toys.

We are very tactile creatures and also very visual. Vaginal self intimacy and care are essential. Pay attention to the changes, explore the different sensations  generally, as we care for the rest of our bodies, why not care for our vaginas? 

Further, discover the different trigger points in your vagina. The vagina is a fountain of youth, if you know what buttons to press. If not, find out here:

Your Libido is Dead?

Is it as dead as it was after your first break up in your 20’s? After the birth of your child in your 30’s? No it was not dead. It lay quietly and healed as you needed to. 

Your vagina demands the attention as that of any physical or phycological wellness procedure. The social and material worlds we find ourselves in, at that given moment, is not kind. 

No! your juicy bits are not dead. They are as alive as you choose to be.

In truth. Most at the age of 50 are finding that they are turning themselves back to their partners after years of raising children, dealing with sleepless nights and just living. This just means you need to rediscover what is relevant and relearn what has been lying dormant, while you were being human… after all. 

Some may never allow themselves the opportunity to stretch their sexuality out to it’s full capacity. Perhaps reaching 50 will give a moment to pause and discover what really gets us off. What is it you need to lead you back to your intimate and inner sexual self and your best sex? 

Not Enough People to have Sex with?

The partner myth goes like this: If you are over 50 your chances of finding a mate are out the window. We are now a part of the detritus of sexuality; a club we must shamefully pursue a membership to?

Those who loudly hear the  broadcast messages that sex is dead after 50 will find relief that these assumptions are dead.

Rather than needing to defend your sexuality being 50 plus, gives you the voice to coercive as much noise as you want about being centre of your own sexuality.

Our libidos thrive in context to where we are less able to express ourselves, some of us over 50 find this the best time to create conditions  and reclaim your sexual self-determination.

The Truth: The sexual scarcity narrative stands in direct contradiction to what we inherently believe. Hot flings in our 20’s or 30’s was nothing short of appealing for one night stands and reckless sex without a promise of a future. What changed?

We turned 50 and suddenly, and in truth, more irresistible; to young sexy prowling 30 somethings looking for a quick shot or hook-up without the promise of a tomorrow.

You’ve lost your inhibitions, what a relief!

Some are not into instant hook ups or date lines. But the fabulous thing about being, “out there” is that we are fully formed and made our mistakes. We have had  our wonderful one night stands and nights of reckless loving. We now possess the single key to choosing well and really know what the bottom line is.

We have zero fucks left to give. This may mean a richly abundant and sexy solo life and the pursuit of sex partners finally put to rest. But it does not by any means mean the well has dried up.

So Ignore the patriarchal chatter that says you cannot crate a vibrant sex life for yourself after 50.

These are your own terms. 

Now own them.

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