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be condom wise know your size secret corner

Be Condom wise and know your Size

How do I choose the right Condom for me?

Condoms are not all set in stone. They too are sized. Like a bra, or pair of knickers. With the wide variety of condoms available – we thought we would let you in on a few secrets on how to choose the perfect fit!

know your condom size

Regardless of brands, condoms are specific in various ways. Some like wetter, or tasty, others like it ribbed for extra pleasure and some prefer studded. But did we ever really pay attention to the fact that condoms are in fact sized. Choosing the perfect fit will increase comfort and effectiveness of STD’s. Too tight, it may pop, too loose, it could slip off – that is not a good idea.

Condoms are commonly the “basic size fit”, but there are also, “snug fit”, slightly smaller in dimension and there is extra-large – for, “above average “. Some condoms are made with the width not equal to the head and base of the penis, giving extra comfort and pleasure.


How to Choose your Size?

Firstly, measure the length of your penis when fully erect. This from the base to the tip, and then using a piece of string or cotton thread, measure the girth at the thickest point of your penis. The average penis size is around 18.5centermeters. So, if you are below or above that, you need to look at getting either the snug fit condom or the extra-large version.

In a survey recently made by a known condom brand – 25% of men said the condoms were too tight, 10% said were – much too tight, 15% said they were too loose and 44% had experienced a break or a slip with the condom.

Its vital that you consider this when you purchase your next batch of condoms. Secret Corner not only keep condoms for regular Joe, we keep vegan condoms, and we keep a range of sizes, flavours and colours.

So, when next choosing your condom, do a bit of. “leg work” – prior to your condom choice. We assure you, the right choice of condom, is not only safer, but it is also sure to be a whole lot more pleasurable for the both of you.

Be condom wise!

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