Holiday Sex – Why is it better? A resounding 89% have said that holiday sex is better, 93% said they were a lot hornier when on holiday.
Why is it that being away on holiday makes sex better and more exciting?
Because being on holiday gives you what regular life does not. You’re relaxed, you have time and the opportunity to kick back and reacquaint with your mind and body and allow the adventurous guru in. Normally buried under loads of laundry and to do lists.
Stress hampers sex! Period!
It is common knowledge that stress kills the sex drive. A holiday gives you the opportunity to leave it all behind and chill the eff out! No boundaries and nothing to hold you back.
Your body floods with oxytocin and dopamine – the two feel-good hormones.
Whether you are travelling with a partner or the one you just met at the local. The feeling you get from this will release hormones and let you tune in to each other. Ideally, the feeling is mutual.
You allow yourself extra space to be emotionally, physically and sexually present. Like a prolonged session of foreplay!
This doesn’t necessarily explain why the quality of sex is different at home and on holiday. Here are a few reasons the “experts” say, and to create the vacation feel at home.
You Have Time
More often than not, the general consensus is that sex is the furtherest thing from the mind, midweek, weekends and generally it’s a general feeling of lazing around in old comfy pants, binge watching anything that comes you way.
Being touched, or touching is the last thing you want. No wonder, when your body is exhausted it doesn’t have the energy to do anything, let alone be expected to have a romp and shine!
But when you’re on holiday, you’re totally removed from the chaos of your day-to-day. Sleep in? Sure. Midday sex? Absolutely! It can feel really liberating to do away with your routine, and with all this spare time and only pleasures to fill it with, well, sex shifts back to the front of your mind.
Ever thought of having a quickie in the restaurant bathroom? Or join the Mile-High club? Well obviously not, in what, your spare time?
When it comes to sex, time is everything and the essence of it all.
Time also plays into your ‘Core Erotic Theme’, which is a concept developed by sexologist Jack Morin. According to his findings, we all have unique ‘themes’ that influence our sexual and intimate life. Morin found that some of the most positive, memorable sexual experiences are influenced by the theme of time. Either an abundance of it (aka you have all day) or a restriction of it (aka a quickie in the restaurant bathroom). When it comes to good sex, time is of the essence.
On holiday everything is different, a change of scenery is very sexy; the bed is different, the routine is different, the body responds differently. You may even see your partner in a different light.
A new and exciting look at your intimacy happens when you are away from the norm, this gives space to explore a new environment together.
Have You Got It All?
Don’t go anywhere without checking you have everything packed.
To make the most of your vacation by packing all your essentials and a bit extra.
Don’t forget to pack lube. A silicone is good for water play. Try out some tasty edible lubes adding to the taste.
Lingerie is a MUST, no girl ventures out beyond the borders without her favorite little number. Look out for some crotchless panties or teddies, set the mood, for yourself or not, with sensual lingerie, a cue to get you and your partner in the mood.
You might want to get an inflatable wedge that you can pack for some added comfort on the go.
Look out for some sexy card games, or dice. Gone are the day of Spin the Bottle, we have progressed to dice throwing and decks of sexy card games. Both small enough to pack into your bag.