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Beyond Boxers and Briefs

You bet! Men also love to shop for lingerie that suits them. They feel the fabric, look at the shape and texture and honestly consider whether it is practical or sensible or even sexy.

There is a massive trend in gents browsing for lingerie that are not regular boxer or brief styles. The trend for men’s lingerie has swung upwards and we cannot keep enough in stock.

The market for men’s lingerie remains and afterthought. Why is that? In 2016 an underwear purveyor reported that 14% of men do not really care what is under their clothes. A whopping 33% of men reported that they only wait until undies starts to sag and then they consider replacing it!

What constitutes the look of men’s lingerie? At a glance – most will feature boxers, briefs, trunks, thongs and jockstraps. More recently Harnesses have begun to emerge as well as a splashing of colour and sometimes even a drop of sparkle.

Recently there is a keen interest in traditionally more feminine aesthetics giving men a chance to explore the world of male lingerie. Lace has begun to be interplayed into underwear styles for men.

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The majority of men who choose what is considered as women’s lingerie identify as heterosexual, deciding to wear these items to, “show off their softer and more feminine side” – Twenty percent of these identify as gay, reasoning that gay men, “are more confident in the bodies and sexually”.

The overall lack of exposure of lingerie for men is preventing straight men from finding out a bit more about the interplay there is with mens undies and that it is a very sought-after commodity in straight men. The bright colours, the soft feel of certain fabrics; and yes, the lace.

Mens undies now boast butt-baring straps, bulge- boosting designs, but sadly are marketed to the “gay community” – But straight men are also choosing these types of designs, their (female) partners are choosing these designs for them too. Softer fabrics, the sheer net or lace interlays are all a part of the interplay between what is perceived and what is actual.

Women want to see their men put and effort into what they wear under their clothes, and love it when, “my partner feels sexy”. Briefs, boxers and thongs are still considered as lingerie.

The male undie industry has grown and the demand for sexy undergarments is just as strong for men as it is for women.

Therefor. There are no longer excuses for sagging undies and boring boxers. Men are taking pride in the undies that they are wearing – and loving the entire experience of being able to shop, either online or instore for softer fabrics, sexier designs, pleather and lace. Open bum and zipper fronts. It is all perfectly acceptable and loved by men everywhere; without the fear of feeling obscure.

There are far too many brands to choose from to stay in the eves of boring or sagging briefs.

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