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We Vibe Rave 2 Product Review.

WVI Rave 2 Mood Image 14 1

The We Vibe Rave 2 is one of the latest from the We Vibe Range. And wow!! is all I can say. 

The Rave 2 is a new rendition of the popular We-Vibe Rave. At the time it was a quirky design, did not flex that well, and seemed to have a stiff upper lip!

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What’s Different?

The We-Vibe Rave 2 is an updated, re-designed release of We-Vibe’s first Rave vibrator. It features an asymmetrical, twisted body that houses 2 powerful motors and a bendable neck to achieve deep, powerful G-spot stimulation. It also pairs with We-Vibe’s Bluetooth app for


Love Your Voluptuously Beautiful Body

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Sex does not come in sizes. Sexy is not a size either.

Sex is any size, but like everything, some things work better for others. Plus size does not define anyone’s sexuality.


The Bright Side

There are quite a few sexy positions that are pretty darn awesome for sexy full bodies that have been reviewed by “experts”. We have our own view.

For many, this is a topic that is too often swept under the carpet and never looked at. But, I think it is an opportunity to de-stigmatise and empower “plus-sized” sex. 

Drop the fatphobia that


Spring Clean Your Sex Life

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Spring Clean your sex life, yes, it too needs a Spring Clean, what better time than September? 

Spring isn’t for just dusting your shelves and tidying out the odd drawer. It is also a time to jazz up your sex life! 

The days are longer and warmer, this is the time to freshen up your intimate connections. That includes physical tools. Yes your sex toys need a freshening up too.

Your Intimate Pleasure Connections

Condom Countdown: check expiry dates on your condoms. Keeping expired condoms will compromise protection. Toss them and give yourself an opportunity to see what is new,

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