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Are You Getting Enough Sex?

Sex is so underrated! Did you know that sex boosts your immune system by sending all those feel good chemicals and hormones through your body? Not to mention, a mental and emotional boost?

Here are six reasons you should be having sex every day.

  • It Lowers the Risk of Prostate Cancer

It has been recorded that prostate cancer risk is lowered by 22% for men who ejaculate more often! Gents if you are not having sex daily ensure that you invest in a masturbator – there are so many to choose from. A daily orgasm is vital to your health.… Read more...


Sex after 50 – The Golden Age Of Sex – Myth Or Magic

Sex after 50 is immersed in misconceptions. Secret Corner investigates the myth and the magic of the golden age of sex.

Judging by media fallacy of intimacy, it seems that sex is really only enjoyed for those in their 20’s or if we are lucky, we might get to enjoy sex after 35!  Nothing is further from the truth. Sex at midlife is indeed a subject that is mired somewhere between myth and magic. Most who have reached this golden age, are more than happy to kiss their 20’s goodbye and revel in the lusty glow of Vesuvius Eruptus!

There …


Vibrators 101

Today, sex toys are hardly anything to bat an eye at, sex toys are out there and readily spoken about subject between women today. How far have we come since the revolution of the vibrator? Here is all you need to know – Vibrators 101!

Prior to the rise of feminist sex stores in the 1970’s, what were the options if you were a woman looking to purchase a sex toy? Well, you would need to dash off into some dodgy area in the lower shopping areas for a start, slip into one of the seedy stores, where men would … Read more...


Vaginal Health – Chatterbox

It’s an often talked about topic among women – between themselves; they all want a tighter vagina! The vagina changes for a myriad of reasons. And, frankly, age has less to do with it. Lets talk about vaginal health.

Throughout a woman’s life, our body change. We get periods, we give birth, take contraceptives, go through menopause and honestly, if our vagina did not have some sort of reaction, that would be a miracle.

So, ladies, stop fretting about the look, feel or elasticity of La Vagin – all is good. Mythologically one would be prescribed a concoction of herbs, … Read more...

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